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Psalms 18:25-26 - Homiletics

God's revelation of himself is suited to man's capacity.

"With the merciful," etc. We see what we have eyes to see; hear what we have ears to hear; feel what we have capacity to feel. Suppose four listeners to the same piece of music. To one, with a critical ear, it is a rendering, good or ill, of the musician's composition; to a second, a strain of national music; to a third, full of memories of childhood; to a fourth, who has no ear for music, a tedious noise. Suppose a group watching a lamb skipping in a field. One is a painter; another, a naturalist; another, a shepherd; another, a butcher. Each sees something the rest cannot see. Perhaps a simple Christian coming by sees what none of them perceives a reminder of the good Shepherd, who gathers the lambs in his arms. As in outward things, so in spiritual. As with bodily sight, hearing, feeling, so with spiritual perception. He that has eyes will see. "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear." Therefore the lesson of the text is a great and widely applicable truth God ' s revelation of himself is suited to men ' s spiritual capacity. Different souls get different views of God .


1 . They appear different to different eyes. Visit two homes, perhaps in the same street, in which there is similar trouble—sick-ness, or bereavement, or failure in business, or sore poverty. In one, all is gloom, repining, comfortless perplexity. In the other, there is light in the darkness, a rainbow on the storm. To one sufferer God's ways are hard, dark, mysterious; he is even ready to think them unjust. The other says, "I could not bear it in my own strength, but the Lord stands by me and strengthens me. God's will must be right. He cannot make mistakes or be unfaithful. He is my Refuge and Strength." So with God's government of the world and general providence. One mind fastens on the pain, sorrow, calamity, which every hour records—pestilence, earthquake, tempest, and so forth. Another sees that the universal design and general working of all natural laws is for good and happiness, not evil; that the main part of human suffering has its root in sin; that "the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord;" and trusts God for the rest.

2 . God's dealings not only appear different; they are and must be different , according to the temper and attitude of our souls. To the soul that bows under God's hand, trusts his Word, clings closer to him in trial, it is "chastening"—full of mercy, rich in result ( Hebrews 12:6 , etc.). The proud, stubborn heart, that resents and rebels against affliction, is hardened by it, like Pharaoh.

II. IT IS SO WITH GOD 'S WORD . Come to the Scriptures in a cavilling, critical, hostile spirit, and they will teem with difficulties. Read them carelessly, scornfully; they will be dull and lifeless. Search them, with an earnest desire to know the truth, with prayer for the Holy Spirit's teaching, with candour and humility; they will "talk with thee" ( Proverbs 6:22 ), and unfold their secrets. Thou shalt hear God's own voice speaking to thy soul; and find what the Thessalonians found ( 1 Thessalonians 2:13 ).

III. SO IT WAS WITH OUR LORD JESUS . Isaiah's prediction was fulfilled (Isaiah lilt. 2, 3). Scrupulously religious persons, but blinded by self-righteousness, could no more see his glory than sceptics, hypocrites, or scoffing triflers ( Matthew 13:14 , Matthew 13:15 ). But his disciples—those who first believed on him, and then lived in close converse with him—could say, "We beheld his glory" ( John 1:14 ).

CONCLUSION . SO it is to-day. This is a universal law— What God is to you what Christ is to you , shows what you are, and determines what you shall be. The gospel is an open secret, but still a secret, from proud, worldly hearts. The physician is for those who are sick and know it. The Saviour is for sinners who feel themselves sinners. The living water will not flow into a vessel turned upside down. Heaven itself would be no heaven to a heart full of love of the world, of self, of sin, and void of love to God.

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