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Psalms 145:15 - Homilies By R. Tuck

The universal dependence and expectation.

"Man is master. But there is a great deal in this world besides man. Nature takes a thousand darlings to her bosom. Every evening motherly Darkness puts to bed myriads of unnamed children of the sod, of the leaf, of the tree, bush, moss, and stone. Every morn she sends again to awaken her brood, and troops them forth to their dewy breakfast. We sometimes get nearer to God in proportion as we get far from men. These neglected treasures of Nature are a book of Divine things, and if we do not read, the Creator does" (Ward Beecher). It is full of a sweet significance that the same word should be used concerning God that we use to express the anxiety and pressure under which we so often groan. The Apostle Peter says, "Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you." God cares for his possessions and his family, even as we care for ours. But how complex, vast, and wonderful his possessions and family are! and how sublime must be his care!

I. GOD 'S CARE OF HIS CREATURES SEES IN ADJUSTMENTS . All his creatures are put in their proper places, and kept in their proper places. The distribution of animate life, and the adjustment of creature to environment, and ministry of each creature where it is put, keep up, for thoughtful minds, unceasing wonder at God's ever-watchful care.

II. GOD 'S CARE OF HIS CREATURES SEES IN LIMITATIONS . This point is not often presented. In order to be effective, the reproductive power in vegetable and animal life is bound to be so full and strong that there comes to be everywhere danger of over-production. Illustrate by the devastation wrought by rabbits when their growth is exempt from limitations. How seldom we think of God's goodness and care in keeping everything limited to strict efficiency; and providing destructive agencies to keep growths within safe bounds!

III. GOD 'S CARE OF HIS CREATURES IS SEEN IN PROVIDINGS . This brings to us very familiar considerations. But point may be gained by dealing with some sample cases: e . g . the gnat of the summer evening; caddis-worm; or those insects that are unpleasant to us; dangerous serpents, etc. God "gives to them all their meat in due season."—R.T.

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