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James Smith

NOT only because He has chosen me from others, in Jesus His beloved Son; nor merely because I am redeemed from among men, by the precious blood of Immanuel; but also because I have surrendered myself up into the Lord's hand, with all I have and am, to be taught by His Spirit, ruled by His word, supplied by His providence, and devoted to His praise. The Lord claimed me, and I was enabled to acknowledge the claim; He has a right to me, and that right should never be forgotten by me. Am I...

Bible Verses: Isaiah 44:5

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Charles Spurgeon

"I will pour My Spirit upon thy seed, and My blessing upon thine offspring." Isaiah 44:3

Our dear children have not the Spirit of God by nature, as we plainly see. We see much in them which makes us fear as to their future, and this drives us to agonizing prayer. When a son becomes specially perverse, we cry with Abraham, "Oh, that Ishmael might live before thee!" We would sooner see our daughters Hannahs than empresses. This...

Bible Verses: Isaiah 44:3

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Charles Spurgeon

When a believer has fallen into a low, sad state of feeling, he often tries to lift himself out of it by chastening himself with dark and doleful fears. Such is not the way to rise from the dust, but to continue in it. As well chain the eagle's wing to make it mount, as doubt in order to increase our grace. It is not the law, but the gospel which saves the seeking soul at first; and it is not a legal bondage, but gospel liberty which can restore the fainting believer afterwards. Slavish...

Bible Verses: Isaiah 44:3

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William MacDonald

A backslidden condition is often like cancer; we don't know we have it. We can grow spiritually cold so gradually that we don't realize how carnal we have actually become. Sometimes it takes a tragedy, a crisis or the voice of some prophet of God to awaken us to our desperate need. Only then can we claim God's promise, "I will pour water on him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground" (Isaiah 44:3).

I am in need of revival when I...

Bible Verses: Psalms 85:6Isaiah 44:3Ezekiel 16:492 Chronicles 7:14

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George Bowen

" Let little children come unto me," said Christ, and says it still. God delighteth in mercy; and delights in the hearts of little children because there is a greater readiness in them to receive his mercy than in adults. There are fewer hindrances; less to repel the Spirit of God; less of the world. The world is indeed there, and it developed itself with an astonishing rapidity, oh, then, how great the responsibility of those who have the direction of the young. How knowest thou, parent,...

Bible Verses: Isaiah 44:3

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Samuel Bagster

There are many who say, “Who will show us any good?” § What has man for all his labor, and for the striving of his heart with which he has toiled under the sun? For all his days are sorrowful, and his work burdensome; even in the night his heart takes no rest … All is vanity and grasping for the wind. § They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, and hewn themselves cisterns—broken cisterns that can hold no water.The one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out. § I will...

Bible Verses: Isaiah 41:17Psalms 4:6Ecclesiastes 2:22Ecclesiastes 2:23Ecclesiastes 2:17Jeremiah 2:13John 6:37Isaiah 44:3Matthew 5:6Psalms 63:1

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