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A.W. Tozer

Undoubtedly God goes along with us as far as He can in this weak and one-sided treatment of the Holy Scriptures, but He cannot be pleased with this way of doing. Our Heavenly Father takes pleasure in seeing us develop and grow up spiritually. He does not want us to live entirely on a diet of sweet stuff. He gives us for our encouragement Isaiah 41, but He gives us also Matthew 23 and the book of Jude,...

Bible Verses: Isaiah 41Matthew 23Romans 11

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William MacDonald

The Lord Jesus warned His disciples against high-sounding titles that cater to the ego and put self in the place of the Trinity. God is our Father, Christ is our Master, the Holy Spirit is our Teacher. We should not arrogate these titles to ourselves in the assembly. In the world, of course, we have an earthly father, in our work we have a master or employer, and in school we have teachers. But in the spiritual realm, the members of the Godhead fill these roles and should be honored...

Bible Verses: Matthew 23:8-10Psalms 111:9Romans 13:7Matthew 23:8

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William MacDonald

The scribes and Pharisees of Jesus' day taught that if a man swore by the Temple, he wasn't necessarily obligated to do what he promised. But if he swore by the gold of the Temple, then that was a different story. He was bound by that oath. They made the same false distinction between swearing by the altar and swearing by the sacrifice on it. The former oath could be broken; the latter was binding.

The Lord told them that their sense of values was completely twisted. It is the Temple...

Bible Verses: Matthew 23:17

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William MacDonald

God is far more interested in how we treat other people than in how many religious ceremonies we go through. He prefers mercy to sacrifice. He places practical morality above ritual. It might seem strange to read that God doesn't desire sacrifice, because it was He who instituted the sacrificial system in the first place. But there is no contradiction. While it is true that He ordered the people to bring sacrifices and offerings, He never intended these to take the place of justice and...

Bible Verses: Matthew 9:13Proverbs 21:3Isaiah 1:10-17Isaiah 58:6-7Isaiah 66:3Amos 5:21-24Micah 6:6-8Matthew 23:14Matthew 23:23Matthew 5:24

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T. Austin-Sparks

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not
let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1 NIV)

There is another
word, which just means that which has escaped from slavery and is breathing
free air. That is a fine picture, a fine portrait for Overcomers – that which
has escaped from slavery and...

Bible Verses: Galatians 5:1Matthew 11:28Matthew 23:4

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T. Austin-Sparks

Do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and He is in heaven. (Matthew 23:9 NIV)

Perhaps one
of the things which you and I and the Lord’s people everywhere need to
recognize more than anything else at an end time is the fact of our
heavenliness. There is going to be a testing of everything which bears the
Lord’s name...

Bible Verses: Matthew 23:9

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