Abbot and founder of Christian monasticism. Born Coma, Egypt 251; died Mount Colzin, near the Red Sea, c356 At the age of twenty, he divided his inheritance among the poor and retired to a cell in the mountains. Later he withdrew to Der el Memun, a mountain on the east bank of the Nile, and lived there in solitude for 20 years. About 305 he emerged to organize monastic life for the crowds who followed him. He again retired to the desert lying between the Nile and the Red Sea and lived for 45 years on the mountain where stands the monastery named for him, Der Mar Antonios. During this time he made two visits to Alexandria: in 311 to strengthen the Christian martyrs in persecution, and in 350 to preach against the Arians. Patron of Hospitallers, domestic animals, butchers, brush-makers, basket-makers, grave-diggers, and graveyards. Invoked against pestilence, epilepsy, erysipelas, and skin-diseases. Emblems: crutch, tau-shaped cross (Saint Anthony's cross), small bell, hermit, pig, book. Relics near Vienne. Feast, Roman Calendar, January 17,. See also, patron saints index.