Journalist and author, born Rochester, New York, 1852; died Boston, Massachusetts, 1927. Joining the staff of the Boston "Pilot," in 1883, she served as associate editor, 1890-1905, and as managing editor, 1905-1908. From 1908-1915 she was managing editor of "The Republic," of Boston, and from 1911-1915 a professor at Saint Mary's College, Indiana. She was awarded the Lætare Medal by the University of Notre Dame, in 1907, and the papal decoration, "Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice," by Pius X, in 1912. Among her books are "The Christian Gentlewoman," "New Footsteps in Well-Trodden Ways," "Watchwords from Johu Boyle O'Reilly," "Fifty Years with Christ the Good Shepherd," and several volumes of poetry, including "A Dream of Lilies" and "The Color of Life."