Founder of Quietism, born Muniesa, Spain, c.1628;died Rome, Italy, 1696. Ordained priest at Valencia, he settled at Rome in the church of Sant' Alfonso belonging to the Spanish Discalced Augustinians. Accused of pernicious teachings by the Jesuits and Dominicans, the Inquisition ordered his books to be examined, but acquitted him. He was, however, arrested by the Holy Office, 1685, and the report of the process against him was read in the Dominican church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, 1687. He was declared heretic, sentenced to life imprisonment, to penitential garb, to recite the Credo and one-third of the Rosary, and to make his confession four times a year. He taught interior annihilation as the means of obtaining purity of soul, perfect contemplation, and peace, and the licitness of impurity, as only the sensual man, instigated by the demon, is concerned. His teaching was condemned by a Bull of Pope Innocent XI, 1687, and his works prohibited.