Librarian, born Vignola, Italy, 1672; died Modena, Italy, 1750. Educated by the Jesuits and at the University of Modena, he was ordained in 1694, and in 1695 commenced his work of collecting unedited ancient manuscripts, at the Ambrosian library in Milan. In 1700 he became archivist and librarian in Modena; 1716-1733 provost of Santa Maria della Pomposa. He published a collection of historical documents which he had brought to the support of the Este family in their quarrel with the pope. This was followed by his great Rerum italicarum Scriptores ab anno aerae Christianae 500 ad annum 1500 (Writers on Italian Affairs of the Years 500-1500 of the Christian Era), a work of 28 volumes (1723-1751) for which Indices chronologici (Chronological Indexes) were published in 1885. Antiquitates italicae medii revi (Italian antiquities of the Middle Ages), Milan, 1738-1742, contained, in its third volume, the Muratori an Canon. His other writings include treatises on religious questions, charity, freedom of thought in religious matters, and literary and philosophical works. Despite attacks made upon some of his works he was held in high esteem as a priest.