Badge of a confraternity associated with the Congregation of the Passionists (Passionist Fathers). The Passionists gave the faithful who wished to associate themselves more closely with their order a black scapular in honour of the Passion of Christ. It bears on the front half an exact replica of the badge of the Passion, namely a heart above a cross, on which is written "Jesu XPI Passio" and below "sit semper in cordibus nostris" (May the Passion of Jesus Christ be always in our hearts). The back portion is simply a small segment of black woollen cloth. At various times indulgences have been granted to the faithful who wear this scapular, the Summary being last approved by the Congregation of Indulgences on May 10, 1877. The Superior-General of the Passionists communicates to other priests the faculty to bless and invest with the scapular.