Established in London in July 1926 with the idea of cooperating with the sovereign pontiff in his universal work of apostolate and in his constant endeavor to establish the peace of Christ among the nations. It also aims at developing the spirit of devotion to, and prayer for the Holy See. By assisting in the organization of pilgrimages to Rome, and public functions in honor of the sovereign pontiff, it contributes to the upholding of the moral prestige of the papacy. By means of leaflets, tracts, and posters it endeavors to foster among the faithful the teaching of the Holy Father as set forth in his encyclical letters and addresses delivered on special occasions. The S.M.A.S. thus makes it possible for the faithful to take a personal share in the work of apostolate of the Holy Father by prayer, work, and charitable offerings. The annual contribution of the members and their voluntary donations are used to cover the expenses of the publicity and propaganda and to increase the income of the Holy Father derived from Peter's Pence. In addition to a membership, the S.M.A.S. also enjoys the support of other Catholic organizations.