HEALTH . The word formerly covered ( a ) healing, ( b ) spiritual soundness, ( c ) general well-being. For ( a ) cf. Proverbs 12:18; Proverbs 13:17 , Jeremiah 8:15 , where it represents the word usually translated ‘healing.’ ( b ) In Psalms 42:11; Psalms 43:5; Psalms 67:2 , and frequently in Pr. Bk. [Note: r. Bk. Prayer Book.] Version, it stands for the word otherwise tr. [Note: translate or translation.] ‘salvation’ or ‘help.’ In these usages it is active. ( c ) The wider passive use, including general well-being of body and soul, not merely the absence of disease, is illustrated by Acts 27:34 , 3 John 1:2 . Cf. General Confession , ‘There is no health in us.’ See Medicine.

C. W. Emmet.