MACHÆRUS. A place E. of the Dead Sea, fortified by Alexander Jannæus, and greatly enlarged and strengthened by Herod the Great (Jos. [Note: Josephus.] BJ VII. vi. 1). According to Josephus, the daughter of Aretas retired to this place when she left the higamous Antipas. He describes it as ‘in the borders of the dominions of Aretas and Herod,’ and then ‘subject to her father’ ( Ant . XVIII. v. 1). He goes on to say that here John was imprisoned and beheaded ( Matthew 14:10 ff. etc.). If it was then subject to Aretas, this is at least curious. The fortress was one of the last taken by the Romans in the war of independence ( BJ II. xviii. 6, 7. 6.). It is identified with the ruin of Mukâwer , on the height about half-way between Wâdy Zerka Ma‘în and Wâdy el-Môjib .

W. Ewing.