MATTATHIAS. 1. A Jew, who had married a foreign wife ( 1Es 9:33 ); called in Ezra 10:33 Mattattah. 2. One of the men who stood at the right hand of Ezra during the reading of the Law ( 1Es 9:48 ); in Nehemiah 8:4 Mattithiah. 3. The father of the five Maccabæan brothe rs ( Malachi 2:1 Malachi 2:1; 1Ma 2:14; Malachi 2:16 Malachi 2:16 f., 1Ma 2:24; 1Ma 2:27; 1Ma 2:39; 1Ma 2:45; 1Ma 2:48; 1Ma 14:29 ). See Maccabees, § 1. 4. A captain in the army of Jonathan the Maccabæan ( 1Ma 11:70 ). 5. A son of Simon the high priest, who was murdered, together with his father and brother Judas, at a banquet at Dok, by Ptolemy the son of Abubus ( 1Ma 16:14-16 ). 6. One of three envoys sent by Nicanor to treat with Judas Maccabæus ( 2Ma 14:19 ). 7. 8. Two ancestors of Jesus ( Luke 3:25-26 ).