OF . As already noted, under By, the prep, ‘of’ is generally used in AV [Note: Authorized Version.] for the agent, as Matthew 2:18 ‘He was mocked of the wise men.’ But there are other obsolete or archaic uses of ‘of,’ which should be carefully observed. Thus (1) it sometimes means from (the proper meaning of the A.S. ‘of’), as Mark 11:8 ‘Others cut down branches of the trees,’ John 15:15 ‘All things that I have heard of my Father,’ John 16:13 ‘He shall not speak of himself’; (2) concerning , as Acts 5:24 ‘They doubted of them, whereunto this would grow,’ Matthew 18:13 ‘He rejoiceth more of that sheep than of the ninety and nine,’ John 2:17 ‘The zeal of thine house’; (3) with , Song of Solomon 2:5 ‘I am sick of love.’