Under the law of Moses, we find many circumstances spoken of respecting legal impurity. Thus touching a dead body, or any creature deemed unclean by the law: touching a living person when under uncleanness; a leper, or one with a running sore, and the like; or garments unclean, etc. And this impurity attached itself to the person so touching any thing of uncleanness, though it was done involuntarily, and himself unconscious of it. And the law which pointed to these acts of impurity, prescribed the modes of cleansing; some by bathing, others by sacrifice. No doubt many of these things had a gospel signification, and preached Christ the only laver and fountain for sin and for uncleanness. But what blessed views ought all true believers in Christ to have of these things, when reading at any time the law of Moses, in beholding the whole done away in the person, work, and finished salvation of Jesus. Think how dear, and endeared in every way, and by every means, is the Lord Jesus Christ when brought home to the heart, and formed "in the heart the hope of glory."