Deuteronomy 2:81 Kings 9:26-2721 Samuel 23:24-253Deuteronomy 3:17 Joshua 8:14 Joshua 11:2Joshua 11:16Joshua 12:8 2 Samuel 2:29 Jeremiah 39:4 Ezekiel 47:8 Zechariah 14:10

4. Sea of the Arabah is the Dead Sea. See NAS, NIV, RSV of Deuteronomy 3:17; Deuteronomy 4:49; Joshua 3:16; 2 Kings 14:25 . 5 . The Araboth of Moab or plains of Moab includes the eastern shore of the Dead Sea south of the wadi Nimrim. Notice NEB translation as “lowlands of Moab.” See Numbers 22:1; Numbers 31:12; Numbers 36:13; Deuteronomy 34:1; Joshua 13:32 . 6 . The desert area or the eastern border of the Jordan River from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea. See Joshua 12:1 (NAS, NIV, RSV). 7. The Araboth of Jericho or plains of Jericho represent the area near the Jordan once dominated by the city state of Jericho. ( Joshua 4:13; Joshua 5:10; 2 Kings 25:5; Jeremiah 39:5 ). 8 . The brook of the Arabah represents the southern border of Israel (Amos 6:14 ), possibly the River Zered, the wadi el-Qelt, or the wadi Hefren.