Luke 10:20Hebrews 12:23Revelation 13:8Revelation 17:8Hebrews 12:23Revelation 13:8Revelation 13:8Revelation 17:8Revelation 21:27Revelation 3:5Philippians 4:3Revelation 20:1220:15Revelation 21:27

Christ Himself determines whether the names that are recorded in the book of life remain in that record and are supported by His confession that they belong to Him at the day of judgment or are blotted out (Revelation 3:5 ).

The Old Testament refers to a record kept by God of those who are a part of His people (Exodus 32:32; Isaiah 4:3; Daniel 12:1; Malachi 3:16 ). As in Revelation, God can blot out the names of those in the book (Exodus 32:32; Psalm 69:28 ). In the Old Testament this may simply mean people not in the book die, leaving the list of the living. Those whose names are written in the book are destined for life in a restored Jerusalem (Isaiah 4:3 ) and deliverance through future judgment (Daniel 12:1 ). See Apocalyptic; Book; Eschatology; Judgment, Books of.

Jeff Cranford