Isaiah 29:8 Lamentations 4:9Exodus 16:3 Deuteronomy 8:3Deuteronomy 28:48Deuteronomy 32:24

The cessation of hunger is frequently associated with God's salvation. Hannah anticipated God's reversing the fortunes of the hungry (1 Samuel 2:5; Compare Luke 6:21 ,Luke 6:21,6:25 ). Isaiah promised that those returning from Exile would not be plagued by hunger (Isaiah 49:10 ). Ezekiel pictured God as providing for the needs of God's sheep so there would be no hunger (Ezekiel 34:29 ). Part of the blessedness of the redeemed of Revelation 7:16 is the end of their hunger.

In Matthew 5:6 Jesus spoke of those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, that is, those who earnestly desire to see God's will become a reality. In John 6:35 Jesus promised that anyone who came to Him would not hunger but would be satisfied.