Exodus 20:15Deuteronomy 5:19Genesis 31:31Leviticus 19:13Deuteronomy 24:14-15Malachi 3:5John 10:1Exodus 22:122:422:722:9Leviticus 6:1-7Numbers 5:5-8Exodus 22:3

During the New Testament period, robbery was the jurisdiction of Roman law. Captured robbers, on occasion, were crucified (Matthew 27:38; Mark 15:27 ). Robbery could be political. Palestine contained various groups called Zealots, famous for zeal in Judaism and opposition to Rome. The more militant groups, such as the Sicarii, resorted to murder and robbery.

First-century robbers frequently operated —together in bands, attacking travelers (Luke 10:30 ). The surprise of such an attack is analogous to the suddeness of Christ's return (Revelation 3:3 ). Robbery threatens material possessions; therefore, Jesus commanded faith in spiritual things (Matthew 6:19-20 ).

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