In Old Testament times treasure might be stored in the king's palace (2 Kings 20:13 ) or in the Temple (1 Kings 7:51 ). In Jesus' day the term also applied to thirteen trumpet-shaped offering receptacles in the Temple court of the women where Jesus watched people make their offerings (Mark 12:41 ). “Treasure” and “treasury” are also used as illustrations or figures of speech. Israel was God's treasure (Exodus 19:5 ). This is reflected in the idea of Christians as God's own people (1 Peter 2:9 ). A person's memory is a treasure (Proverbs 2:1; Proverbs 7:1 ). Fear (awe) of the Lord was Israel's treasure (Isaiah 33:6 ).

Jesus Himself used the term frequently. He contrasted earthly treasures to those of heaven (Matthew 6:19-20 ). What a person treasures or values determines one's loyalty and priorities (Matthew 6:21 ). Paul marveled that the treasure of God's revelation of Himself in Christ had been deposited in an earthen vessel such as Paul himself (2 Corinthians 4:7 ). See Temple.

Elmer Gray