AN'GER, n. ang'ger. L. ango, to choke strangle, vex whence angor, vexation, anguish, the quinsy, angina. Gr. to strangle, to strain or draw together to vex. The primary sense is to press, squeeze, make narrow Heb. to strangle.

1. A violent passion of the mind excited by a real or supposed injury usually accompanied with a propensity to take vengeance, or to obtain satisfaction from the offending party. This passion however varies in degrees of violence, and in ingenuous minds, may be attended only with a desire to reprove or chide the offender.

Anger is also excited by an injury offered to a relation, friend or party to which one is attached and some degrees of it may be excited by cruelty, injustice or oppression offered to those with whom one has no immediate connection, or even to the community of which one is a member. Nor is it unusual to see something of this passion roused by gross absurdities in others, especially in controversy or discussion. Anger may be inflamed till it rises to rage and a temporary delirium.

2. Paint smart of a sore or swelling the literal sense of the word, but little used.

AN'GER, ang'ger.

1. To excite anger to provoke to rouse resentment.
2. To make painful to cause to smart to inflame as, to anger an ulcer.