ASCEND', L. ascendo, from scando, to mount or climb.

1. To move upwards to mount to go up to rise, whether in air or water, or upon a material object.
2. To rise, in a figurative sense to proceed from an inferior to a superior degree, from mean to noble objects, from particulars to generals, &c.
3. To proceed from modern to ancient times to recur to former ages as, our inquiries ascend to the remotest antiquity.
4. In a corresponding sense, to proceed in a line towards ancestors as, to ascend to our first progenitors.
5. To rise as a star to proceed or come above the horizon.
6. In music, to rise in vocal utterance to pass from any note to one more acute.

ASCEND', To go or move upwards upon, as to ascend a hill or ladder or to climb, as to ascend a tree.