IN'STRUMENT, n. L. instrumentum, from instruo, to prepare that which is prepared.

1. A tool that by which work is performed or any thing is effected as a knife, a hammer, a saw, a plow, &c. Swords, muskets and cannon are instruments of destruction. A telescope is an astronomical instrument.
2. That which is subservient to the execution of a plan or purpose, or to the production of any effect means used or contributing to an effect applicable to persons or things. Bad men are often instruments of ruin to others. The distribution of the Scriptures may be the instrument of a vastly extensive reformation in morals and religion.
3. An artificial machine or body constructed for yielding harmonious sounds as an organ, a harpsichord, a violin, or flute, &c., which are called musical instruments, or instruments of music.
4. In law, a writing containing the terms of a contract, as a deed of conveyance, a grant, a patent, an indenture, &c. in general, a writing by which some fact is recorded for evidence, or some right conveyed.
5. A person who acts for another, or is employed by another for a special purpose, and if the purpose is dishonorable, the term implies degradation or meanness.