1. The extent of anything material from end to end the longest line which can be drawn through a body, parallel to its sides as the length of a church or of a ship the length of a rope or line.
2. Extent extension.

Stretch'd at his length he spurns the swarthy ground.

3. A certain extent a portion of space with a plural.

Large lengths of seas and shores -

4. Space of time duration, indefinitely as a great length of time. What length of time will this enterprise require for its accomplishment?
5. Long duration.

May heaven, great monarch, still augment your bliss, with length of days, and every day like this.

6. Reach or extent as, to pursue a subject to a great length.
7. Extent as the length of a discourse, essay, or argument.
8. Distance.

He had marched to the length of Exeter.

Unusual and inelegant.

1. At length, at or in the full extent. Let the name be inserted at length.
2. At last at the end or conclusion.

LENGTH, To extend. Not used.