PLAT'FORM, n. plat, flat, form. The sketch of any thing horizontally delineated the ichnography.

1. A place laid out after any model.
2. In the military art, an elevation of earth or a floor of wood or stone, on which cannons are mounted to fire on an enemy.
3. In architecture, a row of beams or a piece of timber which supports the timber-work of a roof, and lying on the top of the wall.

This in New England is called the plate.

4. A kind of terrace or broad smooth open walk on the top of a building, as in the oriental houses.
5. In ships, the orlop. See Orlop.
6. Any number of planks or other materials forming a floor for any purpose.
7. A plan a scheme ground-work.
8. In some of the New England states, an ecclesiastical constitution, or a plan for the government of churches as the Cambridge or Saybrook platform.

Platic aspect, in astrology, a ray cast from one planet to another, not exactly, but within the orbit of its own light.