PURGE, purj. L. purgo.

1. To cleanse or purify by separating and carrying off whatever is impure, heterogeneous,foreign or superfluous as, to purge the body by evacuation to purge the Augean stable. It is followed by away, of, or off. We say, to purge away or to purge off filth, and to purge a liquor of its scum.
2. To clear from guilt or moral defilement as,to purge one of guilt or crime to purge away sin.

Purge away our sins, for thy name's sake. Psalms 79

Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean. Psalms 51

3. To clear from accusation or the charge of a crime, as in ordeal.
4. To remove what is offensive to sweep away impurities. Ezekiel 20
5. To clarify to defecate as liquors.

PURGE, To become pure by clarification.

1. To have frequent or preternatural evacuations by stool.

PURGE, n. A medicine that evacuates the body by stool a cathartic.