VOCA'TION, n. L. vocatio, from voco, to call. See Voice.

1. Among divines, a calling by the will of God or the bestowment of God's distinguishing grace upon a person or nation, by which that person or nation is put in the way of salvation as the vocation of the Jews under the old dispensation, and of the Gentiles under the gospel.
2. Summons call inducement.

What can be urged for them who, not having the vocation of poverty to scribble, out of mere wantonness make themselves ridiculous!

3. Designation or destination to a particular state or profession.

None is to enter the ecclesiastic or monastie state, without a particular vocation.

4. Employment calling occupation trade a word that includes professions as well as mechanical occupations. Let every divine, every physician, every lawyer, and every mechanic, be faithful and diligent in his vocation.