1: ἄνθραξ
(Strong's #440 — Adjective — antrax — anth'-rax )

"a burning coal" (cp. Eng., "anthracite,") is used in the plural in Romans 12:20 , metaphorically in a proverbial expression, "thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head" (from Proverbs 25:22 ), signifying retribution by kindness, i.e., that, by conferring a favor on your enemy, you recall the wrong he has done to you, so that he repents, with pain of heart.

2: ἀνθρακιά
(Strong's #439 — Noun Feminine — anthrakia — anth-rak-ee-ah' )

akin to No. 1, is "a heap of burning coals, or a charcoal fire," John 18:18; 21:9 .