1: συνέκδημος
(Strong's #4898 — Noun Masculine — sunekdemos — soon-ek'-day-mos )

"a fellow-traveler" (sun, "with," ek, "from," demos, "people;" i.e., "away from one's people"), is used in Acts 19:29 , of Paul's companions in travel; in 2—Corinthians 8:19 , "travel with;" a closer rendering would be "(as) our fellow-traveler." See TRAVEL.

2: κοινωνός
(Strong's #2844 — Noun Masculine — koinonos — koy-no-nos' )

is rendered "companions" in the AV of Hebrews 10:33 (RV "partakers"). So sunkoinonos in Revelation 1:9 , AV, "companion;" RV, "partaker with you." See B, above, PARTAKER , PARTNER. Cp. COMMUNICATE.

3: συνεργός
(Strong's #4904 — Adjective — sunergos — soon-er-gos' )

"a felloworker" (sun, "with," ergon, "work"), is translated in Philippians 2:25 "companion in labor," AV (RV, "fellow-worker"). See HELPER , LABORER , WORKER.