A — 1: κινδυνεύω
(Strong's #2793 — Verb — kinduneuo — kin-doon-yoo'-o )

properly signifies "to run a risk, face danger," but is used in the NT in the sense of "being in danger, jeopardy," Acts 19:27,40 . It is translated "were in jeopardy" in Luke 8:23 , and "stand we in jeopardy," 1—Corinthians 15:30 .

Romans 8:352—Corinthians 11:26
B — 1: ἔνοχος
(Strong's #1777 — Adjective — enochos — en'-okh-os )

lit., "held in, contained in" (en, "in," echo, "to have, hold"), hence, "bound under obligation to, liable to, subject to," is used in the sense of being in "danger" of the penal effect of a misdeed, i.e., in a forensic sense, signifying the connection of a person with (a) his crime, "guilty of an eternal sin," Mark 3:29 , RV; (b) the trial or tribunal, as a result of which sentence is passed, Matthew 5:21,22 , "the judgment," "the council;" enochos here has the obsolete sense of control (J. Hastings); (c) the penalty itself, Matthew 5:22 , "the hell of fire," and, with the translation "worthy" (AV, "guilty"), of the punishment determined to be inflicted on Christ, Matthew 26:66; Mark 14:64 , "death;" (d) the person or thing against whom or which the offense is committed, 1—Corinthians 11:27 , "guilty," the crime being against "the body and blood of the Lord;" James 2:10 , "guilty" of an offense against all the Law, because of a breach of one commandment.

B — 2: ἐπισφαλής
(Strong's #2000 — Adjective — episphales — ep-ee-sfal-ace' )

lit., "prone to fall" (epi, "upon," i.e., near upon, sphallo, "to fall"), hence, "insecure, dangerous," is used in Acts 27:9 .