A — 1: ἄτακτος
(Strong's #813 — Adjective — ataktos — at'-ak-tos )

signifies "not keeping order" (a, negative, tasso, "to put in order, arrange"); it was especially a military term, denoting "not keeping rank, insubordinate;" it is used in 1—Thessalonians 5:14 , describing certain church members who manifested an insubordinate spirit, whether by excitability or officiousness or idleness. See UNRULY.

B — 1: ἀτάκτως
(Strong's #814 — Adverb — ataktos — at-ak'-toce )

signifies "disorderly, with slackness" (like soldiers not keeping rank), 2—Thessalonians 3:6; in ver. 11 it is said of those in the church who refused to work, and became busy-bodies (cp. 1—Timothy 5:13 ).

C — 1: ἀτακτέω
(Strong's #812 — Verb — atakteo — at-ak-teh'-o )

signifies "to be out of rank, out of one's place, undisciplined, to behave disorderly:" in the military sense, "to break rank;" negatively in 2—Thessalonians 3:7 , of the example set by the Apostle and his fellow missionaries, in working for their bread while they were at Thessalonica so as not to burden the saints. See BEHAVE.