1: ἀστεῖος
(Strong's #791 — Adjective — asteios — as-ti'-os )

lit., "of the city" (from astu, "a city;" like Lat. urbanus, from urbs, "a city;" Eng., "urbane;" similarly, "polite," from polis, "a town"), hence, "fair, elegant" (used in the papyri writings of clothing), is said of the external form of a child, Acts 7:20 , of Moses "(exceeding) fair," lit., "fair to God;" Hebrews 11:23 (RV, "goodly," AV, "proper"). See BEAUTIFUL , GOODLY , Note.

2: εὐδία
(Strong's #2105 — Noun Feminine — eudia — yoo-dee'-ah )

denotes "fair weather," Matthew 16:2 , from eudios, "calm;" from eu, "good," and dios, "divine," among the pagan Greeks, akin to the name for the god Zeus, or Jupiter. Some would derive Dios and the Latin deus (god) and dies (day) from a root meaning "bright." Cp. the Latin sub divo, "under a bright, open sky."

3: καλός
(Strong's #2570 — Adjective — kalos — kal-os' )

"beautiful, fair, in appearance," is used as part of the proper name, Fair Havens, Acts 27:8 . See BETTER , GOOD.

Romans 16:18Galatians 6:12