1: ἔτι
(Strong's #2089 — Adverb — eti — et'-ee )

"yet, still, further," is used (a) of time, most usually translated "yet," e.g., Matthew 12:46; or negatively, "any more," "no more," e.g., Hebrews 8:12; (b) of degree, translated "further," or "any further," Matthew 26:65; Mark 5:35; 14:63; Luke 22:71; Hebrews 7:11; in Acts 21:28 , RV, "moreover" (AV, "further"). See LONGER , MORE , MOREOVER , STILL , THENCEFORTH , YET.

2: πορρωτέρον
(Strong's #4208 — Adverb — porroteron — por-rho-ter'-o )

the comparative degree of porro, "far off," signifies "further," Luke 24:28 . See FAR.

Acts 27:28