1: ὅς
(Strong's #3739 — pronoun — hos — hos, hay, ho )

the relative pronoun "who," is sometimes rendered "he that," e.g., Matthew 10:38; with the particle an, expressing possibility, uncertainty or a condition, signifying "whosoever," Mark 3:29 , AV (RV, "whosoever"); Mark 4:25; 9:40 (with an, in the best mss.). See WHATSOEVER , WHICH , WHO , WHOSOEVER.

2: ὅς
(Strong's #3739 1065 — pronoun — hosge — hos, hay, ho )

"who even" (No. 1, and the particle ge), indicates a greater in regard to a less, Romans 8:32 , "He that (spared not)."

Revelation 13:10Matthew 23:12RV