Hebrews 4:15Luke 7:2DIEJohn 4:47James 2:10
A — 1: κεφάλαιον
(Strong's #2774 — Noun Neuter — kephalaion — kef-al'-ah-yon )

the neuter of the adjective kephalaios, "of the head," is used as a noun, signifying (a) "a sum, amount, of money," Acts 22:28; (b) "a chief point," Hebrews 8:1 , not the summing up of the subject, as the AV suggests, for the subject was far from being finished in the Epistle; on the contrary, in all that was being set forth by the writer "the chief point" consisted in the fact that believers have "a High Priest" of the character already described. See SUM.

B — 1: δηλόω
(Strong's #1213 — Verb — deloo — day-lo'-o )

"to make plain" (delos, "evident"), is translated "did point unto" in 1—Peter 1:11 , RV (AV, "did signify"), of the operation of "the Spirit of Christ" in the prophets of the Old Testament in "pointing" on to the time and its characteristics, of the sufferings of Christ and subsequent glories. See SHEW , SIGNIFY.