1: αὐθάδης
(Strong's #829 — Adjective — authades — ow-thad'-ace )

"self-pleasing" (autos, "self," hedomai, "to please"), denotes one who, dominated by self-interest, and inconsiderate of others, arrogantly asserts his own will, "self-willed," Titus 1:7; 2—Peter 2:10 (the opposite of epieikes, "gentle," e.g., 1—Timothy 3:3 ), "one so far overvaluing any determination at which he has himself once arrived that he will not be removed from it" (Trench, who compares and contrasts philautos, "loving self, selfish;" Syn. xciii). In the Sept., Genesis 49:3,7; Proverbs 21:24 .