the prophet of the Lord, who dwelt in Shiloh. He is thought to be the person who spoke twice to Solomon from God, once while he was building the temple, 1 Kings 6:11 , at which time he promised him the divine protection; and again, 1 Kings 11:11 , after him falling into his irregularities, with great threatenings and reproaches. Ahijah was one of those who wrote the history or annals of this prince, 2 Chronicles 9:29 . The same prophet declared to Jeroboam, that he would usurp the kingdom, 1 Kings 11:29 , &c; and, about the end of Jeroboam's reign, he also predicted the death of Abijah, the only pious son of that prince, as is recorded 1 Kings 14:2 , &c. Ahijah, in all probability, did not long survive the delivery of this last prophecy; but we are not informed of the time and manner of his death.