Job 15:2 (b) This figure represents those who live on gossip, tale-bearing and falsehood.

Psalm 17:14 (b) The word is used to describe the innermost part of the soul which actually does feel a deep satisfaction and gratification for the blessings of life even though one does not acknowledge GOD, nor His claims.

Daniel 2:32 (a) The word is used here to represent the third great world kingdom mentioned in Daniel's image, Alexander the Great and his Grecian empire.

John 7:38 (b) The belly is that part of the bowels where the food, having been thoroughly mixed, saturated and changed by the juices of the digestive tract, passes through the bowel walls by the process of osmosis to be taken up by the lacteals to become blood. The Lord is telling us that what we take into our own souls, digest it, mingle and mix it with faith and trust, is ready to go forth to others and to bring the life-giving blessing to them. The ministry that we give out must first have become a very part of our own selves or else it will sound like tinkling cymbals.