Exodus 28:42 (c) This is probably a figure of the righteousness which should characterize the priest of GOD with regard to his walking, his downsitting, and his uprising.

Ezekiel 44:18 (b) This garment is a type of human righteousness, self-made and self-applied. We are not to confess that we are saved by grace but kept by works. These are not to be mixed. Sweat is a product of the exertion of the human body. GOD wants nothing that comes out from us spiritually when we take the place of being His servant. We must display for Him only that which He has given us. GOD's righteousness and our own righteousness are not to be mixed in our conversation and profession. See also Deuteronomy 22:11. There are those religions which teach that we are saved by grace, but we are kept saved by works. Other religions teach that we are saved partly by faith, and partly by works. Both of these theories are false in GOD's sight, and are not to be believed nor accepted by any who want GOD's favor, His salvation and His approval. Nothing that emanates from our own spirits or originates in our own minds is acceptable with GOD when it is a matter of salvation or of our relationship to GOD. (See Isaiah 64:6). Just as nothing that comes out of our bodies can be pleasing to another person, so nothing that emanates from our spirits is acceptable to the great Spirit.