Also called testimony, commandments, statutes, precepts, judgments, the Word, and words.

Called "Law of Moses" 1 Kings 2:3

Called "Law of the Lord" 2 Kings 10:31

Called "Law of God" Romans 7:22

Called "Law of the Spirit" Romans 8:2

Called "Law of Righteousness" Romans 9:31

Called "Law of Liberty" James 2:12

James 2:12 (a) This is the law that operates when there is no restraint nor hindrance. We judge a lion by the way he would act if free, and not by the way he acts in the cage. So GOD will judge people by the way they act when they are free to do as they please, and no one sees or knows of their actions.

GOD's law is like a light Psalm 119:130

GOD's law is like a lamp Psalm 119:105

GOD's law is like a hammer Jeremiah 23:29

GOD's law is like a fire Jeremiah 23:29

GOD's law is like a seed Luke 8:11

GOD's law is like water Ephesians 5:26

GOD's law is like a sword Hebrews 4:12