Psalm 39:4 (b) This figure probably represents the value of a person's time. Much time is wasted each day we live. We should evaluate both our time and our actions to see of what value these are, either to GOD or to man. If we do so we shall live useful lives, profitable in every way.

Matthew 7:2 (b) It is quite evident that our Lord knows exactly how much reward to give and also indicates that men know how much reward to give. A man will receive what he is worth, both from the hands of men and from the Lord. (See also Mark 4:24; Luke 6:38).

Matthew 23:32 (a) By this figure we learn that the evil deeds of the fathers are brought to full completion in the lives of their children. The evil that the fathers failed to do were committed by the children.

Luke 6:38 (a) Here we learn of the abundant reward that is given in large quantities to those who themselves minister blessings to others.

John 3:34 (a) The Father does not give the Holy Spirit on the installment plan, nor just in partial portions, but He gives His entire Holy Spirit to the Lord JESUS, but also to any other true believer who desires to be Spirit-filled.

Romans 12:3 (a) All do not have the same mental capacity. Some are more well developed mentally than others. The Lord is telling us by this figure that He is able to supply the graces of Heaven to every person according to their capacity.

Revelation 6:0 (a) By this we learn that the blessings of GOD will be measured out to men, and there will not be an abundance of supply, but rather a meager supply in the time of GOD's wrath.

Revelation 21:17 (b) There are many standards of measurements in the earth used in different countries. In this case the Lord is giving us the elements that will be used for determining human conditions of human hearts and lives.