Genesis 41:44 (c) In this passage the king may be taken as a type of GOD the Father. He takes the same relationship to Joseph as GOD the Father takes toward CHRIST. All "things" are delivered to the Lord JESUS, and all judgment is in CHRIST's hands. All things were made by CHRIST. No one can come to the Father except through His Son. We may understand that Pharaoh thus represents GOD the Father just in this passage.

Exodus 5:2 (c) Here we may see a type of the hardened sinner who rebels against GOD's Word, and refuses to bow to GOD's authority. This is true today.

Exodus 7:3 (c) It is still true that those who persist in rebelling against GOD are bound to their choice by GOD. He chooses their delusions ( Isaiah 66:4), and binds their rebellion upon them. Clay when placed in the sun gets hard, so the sinner's heart becomes hardened when it insists on rebelling against the Lord.

Romans 9:17 (c) In this passage GOD presents Pharaoh as an example of one in whom He works and deals as He will with all other obstinate sinners.