Deuteronomy 32:35 (b) In this way the Lord is describing the perilous condition of those who are His enemies. He permits them to prosper for a while, and then in a moment they are cut off and sent into eternity.

Psalm 26:1 (b) David knew that he was in the hands of his loving Lord, and therefore would stand firm and would not fall by the wayside.

Psalm 37:31 (b) It is evident that the Word of GOD is sufficient to sustain the life and the activity of the child of GOD. It will keep him walking in a path of uprightness.

Jeremiah 8:5 (b) The inhabitants of Jerusalem were constantly drifting from the Lord, disobeying His laws, neglecting the sacrifices, and incurring the wrath of GOD.

Hosea 4:16 (b) This interesting picture describes Israel refusing to come at GOD's call, and resisting the sweet influences of His Word, and His prophets.