Deuteronomy 22:9 (c) This vineyard represents any field of service in which the soul winner seeks to sow the seed of the Word of GOD. The Lord is warning against mixing truths or doctrines in any service. If one Sunday-school teacher is teaching her class the true Gospel of salvation by grace alone, and the teacher in the next class is teaching salvation by morals or forgiveness by merit, then there is little expectation of gathering a crop for GOD. The seeds are mixed. If the farmer sows wheat in his field, but another one sows weeds in among the wheat, there will be no wheat crop gathered. The weeds will succeed. Corn is planted by itself, and potatoes by themselves, and wheat by itself. So it must be with GOD's Gospel. It must be taught and given where there will be an opportunity for a crop.

Psalm 80:15 (a) The vineyard is GOD's people gathered as a nation in Palestine. The vines are the individual Jews.

Song of Solomon 1:6 (c) In this strange passage, probably there is some irony. The people rather often during the life of CHRIST indicated that they believed He could do wonderful things. Some acknowledged Him as a sovereign ruler. Others indicated their faith in His power. He was not allowed, however, to be the ruler of His people Israel, to deliver them from their enemies, and to be their Messiah. They rejected His Lordship, although they claimed to be the people of GOD.

Isaiah 1:8 (b) The vineyard is the nation of Israel, and the daughter represents the people in that nation. They were desolate because they had rejected the Lord of their lives.

Matthew 20:1 (b) This type represents any field of labor where GOD may place His servants to labor for Him.

Matthew 21:33 (b) The vineyard is Israel, the householder is GOD Himself, the husbandmen are the rulers and leaders of the nation of Israel. (See also Mark 12:1; Luke 13:6; Luke 20:9).