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Glean (prop. לָקִט, lakat', spoken of grain, Ruth 2, elsewhere to "gather" field crops generally, Le 19:9; Le 23:22; also עָלִל, alal', Le 19:10; De 24:21; Jg 20:45; Jer 6:9; properly spoken of grape gleanings, Jg 8:2; Isa 17:6; Isa 24:13, etc.; and figur. of a small remnant, Jer 49:9; Ob 1:5; Mic 7:1). SEE CORNER. The law of Moses directed a liberal treatment of the poor at the seasons of harvest and ingathering. SEE HARVEST. The corners of the field were not to be reaped — the owner was not to glean his own fields — and a sheaf accidentally left behind in the field was not to be fetched away, but left for the poor. There are equally liberal regulations respecting vineyards and olive-yards (Le 19:9-10; De 24:19,21). Hence the proverb of Gideon (Jg 8:2). The privilege of gleaning after the reapers was conceded not as a matter of right, but as a favor granted to particular persons whom the owner wished to befriend. It did not, however, require any special interest to obtain this favor, for Naomi could scarcely have suggested it in the first instance, and Ruth might hence have hesitated to apply for it to a stranger, "the servant that was set over the reapers." On two occasions Dr.

Robinson speaks of witnessing interesting illustrations of harvest scenes — similar to those in Ruth (Researches, 2:371, 384), and in the latter he says he frequently saw the process of women beating out with a stick handfuls of grain which they seem to have gleaned (ib. note). In the case of Boaz, young women, recognised as being "his maidens," were gleaning in his field, and on her claim upon him by near affinity being made known, she was bidden to join them and not go to any other field; but for this, the reapers, it seems, would have driven her away (Ru 2:6,8-9). Maimonides lays down the principle (Constitutiones de donis pauperum, cap. 2:1) that whatever crop or growth is fit for food, is kept, and gathered all at once, and carried into store, is liable to that law. (See also Maimon. Constitutiones de donispauperum, cap. 4) With regard to the vintage, what fell to the ground (פֶּרֶט, Le 19:10), or was left after the general gathering, belonged to the poor (Peah, 7:3); hence any one placing a vessel under the tree to catch what might accidentally fall was held to defraud the poor (Surenhusius, Mishna, 1:56). SEE POOR.

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