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Hunt, John a Wesleyan missionary to the Fiji Islands, and a model of Christian excellence, was born at Hykeham Moor, near Lincoln, England, June 13,1812. His early education was very limited, and John was brought up to assist his father on a farm, over which he was bailiff or overseer. When seventeen years old he was converted, and joined the Wesleyan society, to whose service he resolved to devote all his powers. He began at once to preach, and by close application acquired considerable knowledge. In 1835 he received the recommendation from a Quarterly Meeting to join Conference, and in May, 1836, he was accepted by that body as a "preacher on trial." His intention was to preach a short time at home, and, after sufficient preparation, go to Africa as a missionary. Upon examination at London before the Missionary Committee, he was found to be so far beyond the average standard that it was decided that Hunt should be sent to the theological institution at Hoxton. In 1838, when it became the task of the Missionary Committee at London to determine the future course of Hunt, the wants of Fiji seemed to press upon them, and they overruled the original design of sending him to Africa. He was ordained March 27, and sailed, with his lately wedded bride, April 29, 1898, and they entered on their work at Rewa Jan. 3, 1839. His only object was to do successfully the work for which he was sent. He labored earnestly to acquire a thorough mastery of the language of the natives, and soon met with such success as has rarely crowned the work of a Christian missionary. Indeed, he became a living example to all missionaries through those islands. "Neither distance nor danger delayed or daunted him. In one of his tours he preached the Gospel to five different nations and kingdoms, who had never before seen a missionary. He died in the midst of his labors, Oct. 4, 1848. Besides a translation of the New Testament for the Fijis, Hunt wrote a work on Entire Sanctification, "the matured thoughts of a Christian profoundly submissive to divine teachings; written amidst the most robust labors of untiring activity, prompted by the principle of holiness; and himself able, through grace, to illustrate the truths he taught by his spirit and life. The book will live; for it is a thorough discussion of the doctrine of Holy Scripture, untinctured with mysticism, free from enthusiastic extravagance, and not burdened, like some recent writings, with extraneous matters interesting only to the writer." See Rowe, Life of John Hunt (Lond. 1860, 12mo). (J. H. W.)

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