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Naitore, Charles a French painter and engraver, whose works were mostly on sacred subjects, was born at Nismes in 1700. He studied under Francois le Moine, and was employed to finish several works left incomplete at the death of that master. Little is recorded of the circumstances of his life. His chief merit seemed to have consisted in the correctness of his design; his coloring is criticised as feeble and cold. The principal works of Naitore adorn the apartments of the first story of the Chateau Versailles, the Hotel de Soubise, and the chapel of Les Enfans Trouves, at Paris. In 1755 he was appointed director of the French Academy at Rome, which honorable office he filled until 1775. He died, according to Dumesnil, in 1777. There are a few etchings by Naitore executed from his own designs in a free and spirited manner. Among his works on sacred subjects are The Crucifixion,

with Mary Magdalene at the foot of the Cross, The Adoration of the Magi, and the Martyrdom of St. Fered.

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