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Niethammer, Friederich-Emmanuel a German philosopher, was born in 1766, at Beilstein in Wurtemberg. Nominated in 1793 professor of philosophy and theology in Jena, he received in 1803 a chair in the high school at Wurburg; in 1807 became a member of the Superior Council of Public Instruction in Munich; was afterwards elected member of the Academy of Sciences. of that city, and obtained in 1829 the position of first counselor of the Superior Consistory. He distinguished himself by his struggle against the introduction of principles exclusively utilitarian on the subject of education. He died in 1846. We have of his works, Versuch einer Ableitung des moralischen Gesetzes aus den Formen der reinen Vernunft (Jena, 1793): — Ueber Religion als WissenschaJt (Neustrelitz, 1795): — Versuch einer Begriindung des vernunftmassigen Ofenbarungsglaubens (Leipsic, 1798): -Der Streit des Philanthropismus und Hunanismus. ,(Jena, 1808):

PPhilosophisches Journal (Jena, 17951800, 10 vols.); from the fifth volume, conjointly with Fichte.

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