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Otolengo, Samuel Ben-David Ben-Jechiel, Of Casale, a noted Italian rabbi, flourished for a while at Venice, and died at Padua Aug. 22,1718. He distinguished himself as a poet and grammarian, and published שמואל מעיל, "the Mantle of Samuel," being extracts from the שני לוחות הברית of Isaiah Horwitz (q.v.), to which he also wrote an Index (Venice, 1705): — נאמנה קריה, extracts from the מעבר יבק of Aaron Berechja befi-Moses ben-Nechemia of Modena, important for ascetic literature (ibid. 1701): — תקוןשובבים Correctio seu institutio ponitentium, a ritual containing precepts, prayers, hymns, etc. (2d ed. Venice, 1719). See First, Bibl. Jud. 3:58; Wolf, Bibl. Hebr. 1:1094; 3:1080; Jocher, Allgesmeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, 3:1134. (B. P.)

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