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Saint-Pard (Pierre Nicholas Van Blotaque),

Abbe de, a Belgian ascetic writer, was born, Feb. 9, 1734, at Givet-Saint- Hilaire. He studied with the Jesuits at Diman, joined their order, and was sent to teach in various colleges. At the time of the suppression of the society he was at Vennes, but went to Paris; and, learning of the interdict of Parliament, he changed his name to that of Saint-Pard, which he retained till his death, which occurred at Paris, Dec. 1, 1824. During the Revolution he remained in Paris, and, though obliged to conceal himself; he still exercised his ministerial functions. Under the Directory he became bolder, and was twice imprisoned for preaching in public. In 1801 he became honorary canon of Notre Dame, and had charge of the parish of St. Jacques de Haut-Pas, which he held during the remainder of his life. Of his writings we have Retraite de dix Jours (1773): — L'Ame Chretienne formee sur les Maximes de l'Evangile (1774): — Exercises de l'Amou du Penitent (1799). He abridged and re-edited Le Livre des Elus (1759), and La Connaissance de Jesus-Christ (1772),

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